Shipfaster: UI Components



Breadcrumbs are used when you have a large amount of content organised in hierarchical structure with defined categories (multiple sections that can be divided into more sub-sections). An excellent example is e-commerce site, in which a large variety of products is grouped into logical categories. They inform visitors of their current location in relation to the entire site hierarchy. Whereas they also improve the find-ability of site pages. The structure of the site is more easily understood because it is laid out in a breadcrumb.

Chips are small blocks of information or controls that enable users to enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. They provide a way to display tags, social media handles, or any small set of information in a compact format. Chips can also be interactive,such as removing a tag or launching a search based on the chip's content.

When to use

  • When you want to present multiple compact options or tags that do not require a full button or control.
  • In forms where users can select multiple attributes from a set, such as selecting the traits of a product.
  • To display metadata like email recipients or the tags associated with an article.


Chips UI component anatomy
  1. Icon (optional): An optional leading or trailing icon to represent the chip’s action or category.
  2. Label: The text content of the chip that describes its value or action.
  3. Close: Allows users to dismiss or remove the chip from view. It is often used to delete tags or selections.
  4. Counter: A quick numerical reference of items or notifications associated with the chip.
  5. Container: The visual element that groups the label (and icon) together, usually styled distinctly to stand out.

Best Practices

  • Keep it relevant and focused: Chips should be closely related to the content or task they represent. They should also make tasks easier to do and help with sorting content.
  • Clarity in labels: Ensure that the text within a chip is concise and clearly communicates its purpose or value.
  • Interactive feedback: Provide visual feedback when a chip is interacted with, such as a change in color or elevation when clicked.
  • Avoid clutter: Do not overcrowd the interface with too many chips. They should aid in interface cleanliness, not detract from it.
  • Dismissibility: If chips represent user choices, make sure they can be easily dismissed or removed, usually with a clear icon.
  • Accessibility: It’s ideal for chips to have sufficient contrast and are accessible to screen readers, with proper ARIA attributes if necessary

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