Shipfaster: UI Components


Page titles are a HTML element on a website page that tells search engines what title to display in search results.


Breadcrumbs are used when you have a large amount of content organised in hierarchical structure with defined categories (multiple sections that can be divided into more sub-sections). An excellent example is e-commerce site, in which a large variety of products is grouped into logical categories. They inform visitors of their current location in relation to the entire site hierarchy. Whereas they also improve the find-ability of site pages. The structure of the site is more easily understood because it is laid out in a breadcrumb.

Titles indicate proper layout and hierarchy in your content and using them correctly can greatly improve how fast your audience digests the content. It also increases the content reading experience drastically.

When to use

  • Use large titles for master page heading. And smaller titles for in-page section headings
  • When you want to group and structure all your content neatly.


Anatomy of title
  1. Leading Icon: Optionally support the heading with icon.
  2. Overline text: Used for adding category or label to the heading.
  3. Heading text: Indicated the page or content heading.
  4. Description: Optionally add additional information with the heading.
  5. Actions: Optionally add relevant actions beside the heading.

Best Practices

  1. Combine titles with relevant CTA’s for indicating master actions.
  2. Use a dividers where there is closely packed content, and you want to distinguish the title.
  3. Generally don't use more than one of large heading component on the same page. It confuses the SEO.

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