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The Ultimate Guide to UX Research (Updated 2024)

15 minutes
December 8, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to UX Research (Updated 2024)


The Ultimate Guide to UX Research (Updated 2024)

No one wants to waste time and effort designing an experience that doesn't bring value to the customers or the business.

Failing to truly identify the unique challenges a business faces can lead to vulnerable products that lose to their competitors.

While visually pleasing designs are important, they are just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

The real essence of UX design lies in its ability to understand and empathize with the user and methodically communicate these findings to stakeholders. That's where UX research comes in.

By understanding UX research, UX designers can look into the user's perspective and gain valuable insights into their behaviors, needs, and preferences. This approach enables them to create products that truly resonate with and cater to the user.

In this guide, learn everything you need to know about the backbone of user-centric design from why UX research is important, different UX research techniques, to the best UX research courses and future trends.

What is UX research?

User experience research, often called UX research, focuses on understanding how users interact with your products. It is the organized study of users and what they need to help designers make better products.

The demand for UX/UI designers proficient in UX research has surged. Companies like the design-led Airbnb recognize the critical role of staying in sync with customer needs.

During the Figma’s Config23 conference, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky announced that Airbnb is shifting towards a more "Apple-style product marketing function." For UX design professionals, this requires integrating business acumen into their roles.

However, mastering UX research can take time and effort. It involves many skills, from understanding user behavior and interpreting data to cultivating strong communication expertise.

Enrolling in a UX research course is an invaluable step for designers and product teams, as it streamlines the learning process.

It equips you with the essential research skills to delve into user needs and behaviors and ensures your designs are deeply rooted in user-centric principles.

Why is UX research important?

To understand the pivotal role of UX research, let's look at some real-life case studies.

Hubspot's research-driven redesign doubled conversions

A screenshot of HubSpot's initial MVP redesign, emphasizing efficient email marketing with 'Get started free' and 'Play the video' buttons.
HubSpot's initial MVP redesign promoting email outreach with free start and video tutorial options. Source: HubSpot

Objective: To increase their website's conversion rate, which needed to catch up.

Research strategy and findings: It started with a rapid MVP (Minimum Viable Product) experiment. This initial phase combined all their data, hypotheses, and creative concepts into a singular design.

This included design elements outside their style guide, a different tone of voice in the copy, and atypical call-to-action buttons.

This boosted their conversion rate by 20%, signaling a definite need for a full-scale redesign.

To refine their strategy, the HubSpot team also conducted a conversion flow audit.

They discovered that their products had different flows, with some being more complex than others. Products with more straightforward and shorter conversion flows had 2 to 3 times higher conversion rates.

The lesson was clear: Simplify and expedite users' journey from the homepage to product usage by minimizing the steps involved.

They also studied how users moved through HubSpot and identified areas where things got confusing. Some users needed to figure out which product they were signing up for.

User interviews with non-customers, paying customers, and employees revealed areas for improvement.

Through qualitative tests, they realized that simpler, and more focused designs performed better than those following trendy but less user-friendly styles.

Another key finding is that 65% of users preferred video content when understanding software.

Bar graph showing preferences for learning about software.
Graphical survey results displaying most users prefer video content to understand software. Source: HubSpot

Application: With these insights in mind, HubSpot further optimized their design. They focused on enhancing elements that resonated with users, like video content.

Two heatmap overlays on a web page interface: the left shows scattered clicks on a 'Get started free' button, the right shows concentrated clicks on a 'Play the video' button.
Heatmaps comparing user click patterns on the MVP and final design. Source: HubSpot

Two heatmap overlays on a web page interface: the left shows scattered clicks on a 'Get started free' button, the right shows concentrated clicks on a 'Play the video' button.

The HubSpot team also created a simplified conversion flow featuring a "Get Started" button on the homepage and in the global navigation. Clicking it would take visitors to a flow where they could request a demo of HubSpot Marketing or sign up for the three free products.

They revisited their MVP, considering its influence on their new design direction and shifted towards user preferences over stakeholder preferences.

The team produced over 100 wireframe iterations, 60 visual designs, and four full InVision prototypes, driven by continuous testing and refinement.

Outcome: Overall, the redesign doubled HubSpot's initial conversion rate. It also achieved a 35% increase in demo requests, enhanced sales chat and call volumes, and saw a 27% rise in product signups.

Spotify's homepage redesign increased retention and sign-ups

Objective: Increase conversion rates for sign-ups from their homepage.

They aimed to reduce users' difficulty in finding the web player, a key feature visitors were looking for but struggled to access due to the site’s complexity and clutter.

Research strategy and findings: In two years, multiple teams worked on a multifaceted strategy involving extensive user research and several design sprints.

The Spotify team began by analyzing insights, competitors, and user journeys. Through surveys and web analytics, they gathered insights to understand common visitor profiles and their primary goals.

They also brainstormed ways to simplify the listening process through exercises and narrowed down ideas based on user impact, feasibility, and business goals.

From there, they developed user personas to distinguish between new and returning visitors to the homepage. They mapped out the user journeys for each profile to reveal the specific reasons these users navigated to the web player.

This included pinpointing their entry points to the site and identifying the pain points encountered at each step of their journey.

These combined insights guided a series of design sprints with cross-disciplinary teams, focusing on brainstorming and prototyping to simplify user paths and enhance access to the web player.

These efforts were complemented by regular collaboration and feedback sessions across various teams.

Outcome: A revamped Spotify homepage that significantly improved the user experience. The updated design had a more organized website structure and navigation system that matched the web player, making it simpler for users to enjoy audio content.

This redesign led to a global rollout, which increased sign-ups, Premium subscriptions, and retention across almost all devices.

How UX research benefits your projects

Let's look at a real-life UX design scenario. Your team is building a fitness-tracking app. Where do you start?

It eliminates personal bias

As regular gym goers and athletes, your team wanted to build a complex feature set targeting advanced users.

You want it to focus on advanced metrics such as Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to monitor recovery and stress levels. Another teammate, who's into weightlifting, suggests including a Power Output Analysis, which measures the power output to help users gauge their performance and improvements.

But is that what your target user base needs? Here's where UX research steps in.

You start with user interviews and surveys. The findings reveal that a significant portion of your potential user base consists of beginners or intermediates in fitness.

Many express feeling overwhelmed by complex metrics and advanced features in existing apps. They're looking for something more accessible that guides their fitness journey without bombarding them with data they can't yet understand or use effectively.

Instead of relying on personal preferences, UX research relies on objective and accurate data. This results in products that better align with user needs and preferences.

It gives you crystal-clear direction

With UX research, you're not shooting in the dark. Let's say you're deciding on features for the app. Should you include a diet tracker? A social sharing option?

Through research methods like usability testing and A/B testing, you gather data on what features are most used and preferred by your test users.

This clarity helps you invest time and resources in developing features that users find helpful and engaging rather than what you think they might like.

You'll produce results that deliver real value

Now, it's time to design the interface. How do you know that it's user-friendly for all?

Here, UX research plays an important role again. Based on your research findings, you create user personas for beginners and intermediate fitness enthusiasts who will use your fitness-tracking app.

These personas become invaluable tools in the design process. They allow you to tailor the app's features, interface, and overall experience to meet the specific needs of each user group.

Prototyping and user testing will help you refine this design. This ensures that your app is intuitive, accessible, and enjoyable for all your users.

By continually testing and iterating based on user feedback, your designs evolve to make more sense to your actual users.

Secure stakeholder buy-in through data-driven presentations

When it comes time to pitch your fitness-tracking app to potential investors or stakeholders, the strength of your argument lies in the concrete data gathered through UX research.

Suppose you're in a meeting, ready to present your app concept. To effectively communicate your insights, you use a structured UX research template to showcase your findings and methodologies.

Presenting your findings and proposed solutions becomes much more straightforward when you have clear data to support your points. Graphs, user personas, quotes from interviews, and survey stats are powerful tools in your presentation, making your case compelling and easy to grasp.

Investors and stakeholders are typically risk-averse and look for well-researched, data-backed propositions. UX research provides you with this arsenal of data.

Being well-prepared and understanding the users greatly increases how much people trust you and believe your product will likely succeed.

UX research methodologies

UX design's fundamental principle is understanding the user. There are UX research methodologies that UX designers use to create user-centered designs.

This user-centric approach is crucial in today's digital landscape, where user satisfaction is directly linked to a product's success.

Classification of UX research methodologies

Qualitative vs. quantitative research

  • Qualitative: Focuses on understanding users' subjective experiences and motivations through smaller sample sizes, capturing the reasons behind behaviors and decisions.
  • Quantitative: Involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to identify patterns, quantify behaviors, preferences, and attitudes, and make statistical generalizations.
  • Mixed Methods: Combines qualitative depth with quantitative statistical power to comprehensively understand user needs.

Attitudinal vs. behavioral research

  • Attitudinal: Examines users' attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions, typically using surveys or interviews.
  • Behavioral: Observe user behavior through usability testing, eye-tracking, or heat maps.

Generative vs. evaluative research

  • Generative: Focuses on generating new ideas and insights for design, utilizing brainstorming, card sorting, and co-design sessions.
  • Evaluative: Assesses the usability and effectiveness of existing designs or prototypes, often employing usability and A/B testing.

Common UX research methodologies

The right research method in UX design is important for uncovering user insights. This section briefly overviews common techniques, their data types, and when to use them.

Enhance your UX research with these efficient tools

These tools not only streamline the research process but also enhance the accuracy and usability of the data collected.

This section explores various indispensable tools for UX researchers and designers, categorized based on the stages and types of UX research.

1. Tools for user interviews and field studies

  • Recording and transcription tools: Tools like and Rev offers audio recording and transcription services, which are crucial for capturing every detail during user interviews and field studies.
  • Note-taking apps: Notion and Google Sheets help researchers organize and access notes efficiently.
  • Video Conferencing platforms: Zoom and Microsoft Teams are valuable for conducting remote interviews with recording options.

2. Tools for usability testing

  • Screen recording and analysis software: Tools like and UserTesting provides platforms for recording user interactions with prototypes or live sites, allowing researchers to analyze user behavior and gather qualitative feedback.
  • Heatmap and session recording tools: Heatmap tools like Hotjar and Crazy Egg visualize user interactions on a webpage, revealing areas that attract the most attention or interaction.
  • Prototype testing tools: Figma and Adobe XD are crucial for creating and testing interactive prototypes with users.

3. Tools for surveys and questionnaires

  • Online survey platforms: Typeform and Google Forms are popular for designing and distributing surveys. They offer various question formats and can analyze data efficiently.
  • Statistical analysis Software: Tools like SPSS and Microsoft Excel are essential for analyzing large sets of quantitative data and providing insights through statistical methods.

4. Tools for analytics review

  • Web analytics tools: Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics are vital for understanding user behavior on websites or apps. This includes data on traffic, user flow, engagement, and more.
  • App analytics tools: For mobile apps, platforms like Mixpanel and App Annie offer detailed insights into user behavior, engagement, and retention.

5. Tools for organizing and sharing research

  • Project management tools: Asana and Trello help organize UX research projects, track progress, and collaborate with team members.
  • Cloud storage and collaboration: Google Drive and Dropbox are essential for securely storing and sharing research documents, recordings, and other data with team members.

6. Emerging tools and technologies

  • AI-powered tools: AI tools like ChatGPT and IBM Watson can analyze large datasets to help designers identify user behavior patterns and predict initial insights.

By leveraging these tools effectively, UX professionals can gain deeper insights into user behavior, streamline their research processes, and make data-driven decisions.

A guide on planning and conducting UX research

Planning and conducting UX research is a critical phase in the design process. It involves a structured gathering of insights that inform and validate design decisions.

Let's explore the key steps and considerations in planning and executing effective UX research.

1. Define research goals and objectives

Start by establishing clear research goals. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for focused research.

2. Choose the right UX research methods

Select research methods that align with your objectives, utilizing qualitative methods like interviews for exploratory research and quantitative methods like surveys for validation. Consider a mixed-methods approach for a more comprehensive insight.

3. Develop a research plan

Plan your research timeline, considering deadlines and resources. Recruit participants representing your target user base, considering demographic factors and user behaviors. Prepare and test necessary tools like interview guides and prototypes.

4. Conduct the research

Execute the research as planned and remain flexible and prepared to adapt. Uphold ethical standards by obtaining consent and ensuring participant privacy. Maintain transparency about the research's purpose and data usage.

Analyzing and presenting UX findings

After conducting UX research, the next crucial steps are analyzing the gathered data and presenting the findings effectively.

This process turns raw data into actionable insights that can guide design decisions. Here's how to approach this phase in the UX research process:

1. Analyze UX research data

To analyze your data effectively, first, organize it systematically. Then, identify patterns and trends, understand user behavior, and cross-reference your findings with your research goals to create user-centered designs.

2. Create actionable insights

Evaluate your observations into insights by interpreting what they mean for your project. For example, a common user complaint could indicate a need for a specific design change.

Not all findings carry the same weight. Prioritize them based on factors like impact on user experience, feasibility of implementation, and alignment with project objectives.

3. Prepare the research report

For an effective report, establish a clear structure with sections like an executive summary, methodology, key findings, insights, and recommendations. Use visual aids like graphs and charts to make understanding data easier.

Lead the way with UX research best practices

Successful UX research relies on a deep understanding of users, methodical data handling, collaborative decision-making, and an iterative approach to design.

When conducting UX research, it's crucial to focus on user-centricity. Begin by deeply understanding the users' needs, behaviors, and pain points. Approach this process with empathy and an open mind so the research is not biased by your or the company's preconceptions.

Data collection should be systematic and methodical. Whether qualitative or quantitative data, ensuring its accuracy and relevance is key. Once collected, the data must be analyzed critically, looking for patterns and insights that truly address the users' needs.

This analysis should then be translated into actionable design strategies. Documenting every research process step and sharing these findings with the entire product team to inform and collaborate on decisions is important.

Finally, remember that UX research is an iterative process. The insights gathered should inform the current design phase and be used to refine and improve the product continually. Regularly revisiting research findings and updating them as needed keeps the product relevant and user-focused.

Future trends in UX research

The landscape of UX research is continuously evolving because of technological advancements and changing user behaviors. Here’s a look at some key future trends in UX research.

Integration of AI and machine learning

These technologies are revolutionizing how we gather and interpret user data. AI algorithms can analyze large datasets rapidly, quickly identifying patterns and trends that might be invisible to the human eye. As AI and machine learning evolve, their role in UX research will become more significant.

Increased emphasis on emotional design

Emotional design aims to deepen user engagement and foster a stronger connection between the user and the product. Understanding and integrating users' emotional responses will become key to designing more empathetic user experiences.

New design mediums

Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR): Offers immersive environments and experiences, allowing designers to study user interactions in more dynamic and realistic settings.

Voice User Interface (VUI) and conversational design: Focuses on how users interact with voice-activated interfaces, like smart speakers and virtual assistants.

Resources for further learning in UX research

Continuous learning is essential in the ever-evolving field of UX research. Resources are available for those looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional eager to stay updated, here's a guide to some key resources for further learning in UX research:

1. Online courses

2. Books and eBooks

  • “Think Like a UX Researcher: How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy" by David Travis & Philip Hodgson: Challenges UX research preconceptions and offers practical guidance for planning, conducting, and applying research,
  • “Just Enough Research” by Erika Hall: Covers the essentials such as organizational research, user and customer research, evaluative research, surveys, and more. It also dives in on practical, budget-friendly UX research methods.

4. Podcasts and YouTube

  • Mizko: A YouTube channel by Michael Wong (or better known as Mizko), a former agency owner who generated $7M+ in revenue. He dives deep into product design, growth, and business strategies.
  • UXPodcast: Hosted by James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom, this podcast covers various UX design and research topics.

5. Online communities and forums

6. Blogs and websites

  • Offers insights on the latest trends in CX, UX, product, marketing, and research.
  • In the Loop by Expert-level resources on running research, discovery, and building an insights-driven culture.

Crush UX research confusion and master it in 10+ hours

Learning UX research can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. With the right approach guidance, you can master it in just 10 hours.

The Practical UX Research & Strategy course by Mizko is designed for independent learning without the constraints of a fixed schedule. This flexibility means there’s no pressure to keep pace  — you can learn in the way that suits you best.

Trusted by 6,000+ designers, the Practical UX Research & Strategy Course has empowered professionals at leading tech companies, including Google, Meta, and Squarespace.

After completing the course, these designers have integrated UX research skills into their workflows at reputable companies:

"I'm 100% more confident when talking to stakeholders about User Research & Strategy and the importance of why it needs to be included in the process. I also have gained such a beautiful new understanding of my users that greatly influences my designs. All of the "guesswork" that I was doing is now real, meaningful work that has stats and research behind it." - Product Designer Alyssa Durante

"The process in this course connects the dots and it's easy to lead the clients through this process... I can adapt the process based on the resources and the needs of the client. Life is now way easier to be honest because I have clear path to show to the clients even before we start the project because I can build expectations from the start." - UX/UI Designer Milosh Jakjimovski

"The most impactful element has been the direct application of the learnings in my recent projects at Amazon. Integrating the insights gained from the course into two significant projects yielded outstanding results, significantly influencing both my career and personal growth. This hands-on experience not only enhanced my proficiency in implementing UX strategies but also bolstered my confidence in guiding, coaching, mentoring, and leading design teams." - UX designer Zohdi Rizvi

"As I was struggling to find a high-level research framework for my day-to-day design work, I was able to fill many of the knowledge gaps because I took this course. It provides a well-structured research process that cuts out the "guesswork" that I'm adopting in my projects. Real-life examples and practical solutions throughout the course were incredibly helpful. Right now, I'm more confident than ever with my design decisions, presenting meaningful briefs to stakeholders, and so on." - UX Designer Al Razi Siam

Learn the crucial elements that make a UX designer stand out in today's competitive market:

  • Pull actionable insights by crafting objective-driven questions
  • Conduct well-structured interviews without leading or asking biased questions
  • Learn how to pick the perfect participants to get high-quality information
  • Create affinity maps with all your research insights
  • Run competitor analysis like a real pro
  • Unlock the skills to process large data sets and user insights methodically
  • Break down research and data into frameworks and customer journey maps with automation tools to drive actionable items.
  • Integrate compelling frameworks that help you manage, sort, and communicate data findings to the team
  • Prioritize the tasks into a set of actionable tasks for the team
  • Understand and present metrics and objectives most important to stakeholders

This course is created by Mizko, a refined industry leader who journeyed from being a designer to owning a 7-figure agency and now thrives as a startup advisor and angel investor. Gain access to the resources and templates he has utilized to successfully build, scale, and sell multiple online businesses.

Nail your data-driven designs and deliver valuable, user-centric solutions every time.

UX Designer, Educator, Investor & Advisor
Hello, I'm Michael Wong or better known as Mizko. I went from designer → agency owner → now founder and educator at Designership. I teach the skills and tricks that helped me build a multi-million dollar design agency, serving 50+ companies and impacting millions worldwide!
Michael W.
Angie G.
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