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The Ultimate Guide to UX/UI Design in 2024

7 minutes
January 25, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to UX/UI Design in 2024


The Ultimate Guide to UX/UI Design in 2024

AI is changing the game in UX/UI design.

It's introducing new and exciting tools and workflows that are transforming how designers work. Plus, AI is making design processes smarter and more efficient, so that designers to focus more on the strategic aspects.

Before we grasp the full impact of this shift, let's explore a few key concepts that any UX/UI designer should know in this comprehensive guide.

If you want to learn UX/UI design, starting with Figma, the industry-standard tool, is best. Get the practical application right away with our 10-hour Figma course by Michael Wong, also known as Mizko.

This course has already helped the careers of over 6,000 designers worldwide, from job success to doubled salaries and even lucrative freelancing gigs.

For those looking to deepen their strategic insights and excel in user research, our UX research course offers in-depth knowledge and practical skills.

The difference between UX & UI

The terms "User Experience (UX)" and "User Interface (UI)" are often used interchangeably, yet they represent distinct aspects of the design process.

Let's go through both of these terms with a fitness app.

User experience (UX) design: Feel and interaction

User experience (UX) design focuses on the overall feel of the experience, especially how the user interacts with a product or service. It involves deeply understanding users' needs, values, abilities, and limitations.

So, for the fitness app, the UX design looks at it through the lens of helping users achieve their fitness goals. It starts with understanding the user's needs – maybe they want to lose weight, build muscle, or just stay active for medical reasons.

The UX design focuses on making the app easy to use: tracking workouts, setting goals, and monitoring progress should be straightforward. This involves considering the limitations of different users – some might be tech-savvy, while others are not.

It aligns with the business objective of keeping users engaged and subscribed.

User interface (UI) design: Looks and layout

On the other hand, user interface (UI) design is about the look and layout of a product.  Think about the app's appearance – its colors, button shapes, and the layout of each screen.

For the fitness app, a clean, energetic design with motivating colors, easy-to-read fonts, and clear icons helps.

Effective UI design ensures users can easily locate and comprehend the 'Start' button for initiating a run tracking session.

It enables the app to communicate effectively, guiding users seamlessly through their fitness journey within the application.

While UX is about the app's overall feel and functionality, UI focuses on its visual and interactive elements. Both need to work together seamlessly for a successful fitness app.

How UX and UI work together in design

While UX and UI have different focuses, they work hand in hand. A brilliant UI design can fall short if the UX isn't user-friendly, and a poor UI can undermine a great UX.

Consider a high-end online clothing store as an example. Here are some examples that show that it has an intuitive and visually appealing UI design:

  • It uses elegant fonts and high-quality images for clarity and visual appeal
  • The design is user-friendly and responsive across devices
  • A consistent color scheme for a cohesive user experience

However, if theUX isn't user-friendly – say, the site is slow to load, the checkout process is confusing, or it's hard to find specific clothing categories – customers will likely get frustrated and leave the site despite its beautiful design.

On the other hand, imagine the site has a fantastic UX:

  • It's easy to navigate
  • The search function works well
  • The checkout process is quick and straightforward

But if the UI is dull – perhaps the design looks outdated, the photos are low quality, or the color scheme is unappealing – users might not be drawn to explore the site further or perceive the brand as high-end.

The imbalance between UX and UI hinders the overall experience in both scenarios.

The goal is to achieve a balance where the UI visually guides and delights the user while the UX makes the journey through the product intuitive and rewarding.

Common UX/UI misconceptions and clarifications

Many people believe that UI design is solely about looks, but it's so much more than that.

Take a weather app, for example. What matters in UI design is how it works for the user. Here are some features to achieve this:

  • Sleek and appealing aesthetics: The app boasts a visually appealing design with cool colors and modern fonts.
  • Immediate weather summary on main Screen: Users are welcomed with an easily readable summary of the day's weather as soon as they open the app.
  • Minimal navigation required: The app minimizes the need to navigate through multiple menus, streamlining the user experience.
  • Interactive forecast tools: Features like sliding bars enable users to quickly check the weather forecast for different times of the day, offering interactive and engaging functionality.
  • User-centric esign: The overall UI design focuses on how the app operates for the user, ensuring that it is not just visually pleasing but also functional and easy to use.

In this case, UI design isn't just about being pretty. It's also about combining great looks with a smooth, user-friendly experience.

UX, or user experience, is more than just how easy a product is to use. It's about the experience someone has with a product or service, from start to finish. The goal is to make this journey easy, enjoyable, and memorable.

  • Ease of finding restaurants: The app simplifies the process of searching for restaurants with intuitive navigation and search options.
  • Streamlined ordering process: Placing an order is straightforward and hassle-free.
  • Engaging menu browsing experience: Menus are presented in an appealing way, often with appetizing pictures of the food.
  • Real-time order updates: The app provides timely updates on the order's progress from preparation to delivery.
  • Effective customer support: Easy access to customer support within the app for any inquiries or issues for a smooth resolution process.
  • Overall user journey: The UX design focuses on every aspect of the user's interaction with the app, from the initial desire for a meal to the satisfaction of eating.

The evolution of UX/UI design to 2024

To make sense of where we are headed in 2024, let's take a moment to explore how we arrived here.

The beginnings: The graphical user interface era (GUI)

The first phase of UI/UX design, the graphical user interface (GUI) era, began in the 1980s. During this time, designers concentrated on making computer interfaces more user-friendly by adding visual elements like icons, buttons, and menus.

This shift from text-based command-line interfaces (CLI) to graphical interfaces marked a significant UI/UX design change.

Before GUI, CLI interfaces required users to type text commands, which were complex and challenging for most people.

The Apple Lisa, introduced in 1983, was the first commercial computer with a GUI, followed by the successful Apple Macintosh in 1984.

The GUI era was pivotal in UI/UX design as it shifted the focus from technical functionality to user experience.

The dawn of the mobile era

This era laid the groundwork for modern UI/UX design principles. It played a crucial role in developing the Internet and digital technology.

The early 2000s marked the start of the mobile era. With the advent of smartphones and tablets, this era witnessed a surge in the importance of mobile-responsive design, shaping how designers thought about user interfaces.

The rise of social media and interaction design

The next significant leap came with the rise of social media platforms, which introduced a new layer of user engagement and interaction design.

Here are two examples:

  • Facebook's 'Like' Button: Revolutionized user interaction by introducing a simple way for users to express their feelings about a post without writing a comment, enhancing user engagement and content interaction.
  • Twitter's Hashtag Feature: Transformed how information is categorized and discovered, enabling users to connect their posts to larger, global conversations and engage with a broader community, fostering a new level of connectivity and content discovery.

Both social media features simplified user interaction, made the content more discoverable, and encouraged users to engage more deeply with the platforms and each other.

Major milestones leading up to 2024

Following the rise of social media platforms, the next major shift came with the advent of Big Data.

This era saw tech giants collecting large amounts of data and enabling the use of Machine Learning (ML) and their own data to make precise, informed decisions in product development.

A concrete example is how Airbnb used Machine Learning to enhance host and guest interactions. Around 2015, Airbnb embarked on a project to better understand and predict host preferences for accommodation requests.

They developed a model analyzing hosts' past decisions, which helped tailor search results to increase the likelihood of successful bookings.

This approach led to a 3.75% increase in booking conversions, demonstrating the effectiveness of ML in personalizing user experiences.

This period, particularly post-2023, marked a significant advancement in AI and ML, profoundly impacting UX/UI design by enabling more tailored and efficient user-platform interactions.

Key trends shaping UX/UI design in 2024

Here are several key trends shaping the future of UX/UI design.

1. AI-driven design

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing design by automating tasks and creating designs that change to fit each user's needs and habits. It uses machine learning and data analysis to make interfaces that can learn and adapt to how each person uses them.


  1. Uizard uses AI to transform simple sketches into functional digital interfaces. By drawing a rough layout, users can get a working design.
  2. Figma's AI in Figjam: Figma has introduced AI into its collaborative whiteboarding tool, Figjam. This AI streamlines the collaborative design process by organizing ideas and creating design elements quickly.
  3. Galileo AI: This AI-powered design assistance helps designers make websites and apps faster. It suggests design improvements based on best practices.
  4. Miro's AI Launch: Miro, a visual collaboration platform, has integrated AI to assist in brainstorming and mapping out ideas. This makes it easier to organize thoughts and collaborate on design projects more efficiently.

2. Interface-less UIs

This refers to a move away from traditional graphical user interfaces towards text and voice-based interactions. This means using chat and voice commands to interact with technology instead of clicking or tapping on a screen.


  1. Voice assistants: Think of smart speakers like Amazon's Alexa or Apple's Siri. You talk to them, and they respond. There's no screen or buttons involved. You can ask for the weather, play music, or control smart home devices with your voice.
  2. Chatbots on websites: Many websites now have a chatbot in the corner of the screen. Instead of navigating through menus, you can type in questions like "How do I return an item?" the chatbot will provide the answer or guide you through the process.

3. Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) blends digital elements with the real world to create immersive experiences.

Unlike traditional screens, AR places digital information and objects into your physical environment, seen through devices like smartphones or AR glasses.


  1. Retail shopping apps: Imagine using a furniture store's app to see how a sofa looks in your living room before buying it. You point your phone's camera at the space, and the app overlays a 3D image of the sofa in the room. This way, you can check size, style, and color fit without physically having the sofa there.
  2. Apple's Vision Pro for AR: Apple Vision Pro is Apple's first 3D spatial computer. It merges digital content with the physical world. Apple Vision Pro offers a three-dimensional user interface controlled by natural inputs like eyes, hands, and voice.

Tools every UX/UI designer must know in 2024

Here are some key tools that every UX/UI designer should be familiar with in 2024:

1. Figma

What is it: Figma is a web-based tool that elevates collaboration in design. It allows multiple designers to work on the same project simultaneously.

Why you should use it: Figma is the leading tool among UX/UI designers. Thanks to its advancements in cloud-based prototyping and real-time feedback, collaborative design is more streamlined and efficient.

2. Figjam

What is it: Figjam is an interactive whiteboard designed for collaborative design brainstorming, extending Figma’s capabilities.

Why you should use it: Its intuitive interface lets designers quickly sketch concepts, share ideas, and gather feedback, fostering a collaborative environment for early-stage design thinking.

3. ChatGPT

What is it: ChatGPT is an AI-driven tool that uses natural language processing to enhance designer interactions with technology.

Why you should use it: It's invaluable for generating creative content, offering design suggestions, and providing innovative solutions to complex design queries.


What is it: is a speech-to-text transcription and translation service using advanced AI for accurate live transcriptions?

Why you should use it: Ideal for transcribing meetings, interviews, and lectures, it helps UX/UI designers document and analyze spoken user feedback and team discussions accurately.

5. Typeform

What is it: Typeform is a user-friendly online form and survey builder known for its engaging and interactive design capabilities.

Why you should use it: With its conversational approach, Typeform enhances the user experience, leading to better engagement and higher form completion rates, which is crucial for user research.

6. Google Sheets

What is it: Google Sheets is a web-based spreadsheet application in the Google Workspace suite.

Why you should use it: It's essential for organizing data, performing analysis, visualizing information, supporting UX/UI designers in decision-making, and tracking design iterations.


What is it: is a rapid user testing platform that integrates with popular design tools to bring real user insights into the design process.

Why you should use it: It enables quick validation of prototypes, A/B testing, and collection of actionable data, helping designers make informed, user-centric design decisions.

8. Hotjar

What is it: Hotjar offers unique analytics and feedback tools to understand user behavior on websites and apps.

Why you should use it: By tracking user interactions through heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys, it provides invaluable insights for optimizing UI and enhancing user experience.

9. Miro

What is it: Miro is a versatile digital whiteboard that excels in remote collaboration, offering a canvas for brainstorming, planning, and design.

Why you should use it: Its flexibility and integration capabilities make it ideal for UX/UI teams to collaboratively bring their creative ideas to life, regardless of their physical location.

10. Mixpanel

What is it: Mixpanel provides advanced analytics for mobile and web applications.

Why you should use it: By understanding how users engage with products, Mixpanel offers insights into user behavior and conversion, making it essential for tailoring user experiences and optimizing UI.

Case studies: UX/UI success stories

Real-life success stories provide invaluable lessons and inspiration. These case studies demonstrate the profound impact of effective design on user experience and business outcomes. Let’s explore some notable examples from recent years:

1. Cox Enterprises: Launching Autotrader in Australia

Overview: In 2016, Cox Enterprises, a Fortune 100 company, collaborated with Mizko Media to launch their car sales platform, Autotrader, in Australia.

Challenge: The goal was to research, design, and launch Autotrader within 12 weeks. The aim was to surpass the conversion rates of their existing solutions.

What we did:

  • Mizko's team conducted UX research by interviewing 20 participants, focusing on two user personas: car enthusiasts and rookies. These interviews helped map the car sales process, identify customer needs, and uncover pain points.
  • Prioritizing the "Intent to Sell" and "Advertising" stages, they implemented new features such as automated vehicle details, pricing guidelines, mobile-friendly photo uploading, and progressive tips for improving ad health.

Outcome: Within four months of launch, Autotrader experienced a 30% increase in conversion rates, listed 90,000 cars, and was later acquired by eBay Classifieds.

2. Airbnb's UX From stagnation to global success

Overview: 2009 Airbnb was grappling with stagnant growth and dire financial challenges, with weekly revenue at a mere $200.

Challenge: UX testing revealed that poor-quality photos of listings were a major deterrent for potential customers.

Solution: Airbnb adopted an unconventional, "unscalable" approach by taking professional photos of many of their listings.

Outcome: This strategy proved successful, leading to a significant turnaround in the company's fortunes. The focus on quality visuals doubled Airbnb's weekly revenue to $400, marking its first financial improvement in eight months. Innovative changes, like switching a 'star' to a 'heart', also led to a 30% increase in user engagement.

After adopting this approach, Airbnb saw substantial growth and continuous investment in UX research, eventually scaling to a valuation of $10 billion.

How to become a UX/UI designer in 2024

As the demand for skilled UX designers grows in 2024, understanding how to navigate the job market successfully is important.

1. Expand your knowledge continuously

Utilize free resources to learn and stay informed. Read articles, follow news, engage with blog posts, watch YouTube videos, and listen to podcasts.

For valuable insights and user-friendly tutorials, consider following experts like Mizko. This will help you familiarize yourself with the latest UX/UI design terminology and trends.

This habit will help you stay updated with the evolving UX/UI design world and understand new tools. For example, you could learn about new design software through a YouTube tutorial or understand a complex concept through a UX/UI publication's blog post.

2. Actively apply your design skills

Find more opportunities to practice your design skills in the real world. Try offering your design services to charities or non-profits. You can also practice by taking on projects to improve poorly designed apps or websites.

Have a full-time job? Incorporate UX methods to solve problems at work. If your role involves direct interaction with customers or clients, use these opportunities to gather insights. Conduct informal interviews or surveys to understand their challenges, preferences, and pain points.

Another example is improving how information is organized in your workplace. This could involve redesigning internal databases, simplifying documentation processes, or creating more user-friendly interfaces for company software. For example, you can design forms and templates to be more intuitive and efficient.

Infusing this creativity in your existing role can help sharpen your strategic UX mindset.

3. Join design communities to network and gather feedback

Join online platforms like UX Stack Exchange to ask questions and learn from experienced designers, or Dribbble to showcase your work and receive helpful feedback.

Sharing your work in these communities allows you to discover areas for improvement and gain insights from your fellow designers' approaches.

Engaging in these communities helps you improve your skills and gain valuable insights. It can also help you connect with fellow designers and expand your professional network. Building relationships within these communities can open doors to collaborations in the future!

4. Craft a strong portfolio

Your portfolio should comprehensively display your projects. Ideally, it should illustrate each step from the initial research phase to the final design. This demonstrates the end result, thought process, and problem-solving skills.

     How to Present a UX Case Study in a Job Interview (Download Template)    

Include detailed case stu/dies in your portfolio as much as possible. For example, if you redesigned a website, explain the problems with the original design, your process of addressing these issues, and the impact of your redesign.

This approach illustrates your ability to apply design thinking to real-world problems. It will also provide a narrative that potential employers can easily understand and appreciate.

5. Invest in structured learning through courses

While exploring and learning independently has its merits, enrolling in structured courses brings a more systematic and comprehensive approach. These courses are carefully structured to cover essential topics progressively.

Structured courses often provide the opportunity to learn under an experienced mentor. These professionals bring valuable real-world insights, making your learning experience more effective and relevant.

A significant advantage of these courses is the practical application they offer. Instead of just learning theories, you'll engage in hands-on projects and exercises. This real-world practice is crucial in solidifying your skills and preparing you for professional challenges in UX design.

Launch your UX/UI career in 10 hours

The UX/UI design field isn't just growing – it's transforming how we interact digitally.

Companies look for strategic and empathetic designers who craft experiences that resonate.

Many UX/UI designers hit roadblocks in their careers due to several things, including:

  • Lack of structured processes
  • Difficulty adapting to fast-paced environments
  • Gaps in technical knowledge
  • Challenges in collaborating with developers.

Take a practical leap into UX/UI design with the Ultimate Figma & UI Design Masterclass. Prioritize mastery, not the textbooks, and start crafting designs with real design tools and applications.

This course has propelled over 6,800 students into the world of UI design with:

  • Confidence-building, real-world UI design processes and practical templates
  • Mastery of Autolayout for creating responsive designs with ease
  • Advanced Figma features like interactive components, prototypes, animations, and design systems
  • Application of essential UI design principles in real-life projects for stunning, user-friendly interfaces
  • Understanding design models and frameworks, including Atomic Design and CSS3 Techniques
  • Skills for professional presentation and effective developer collaboration.

Get practical, hands-on learning from industry expert Mizko. In just 10+ hours, the course prepares designers for real-world challenges in an engaging, step-by-step process.

With a flexible, self-paced format, a stellar 4.9/5 rating, and over 6,000 students, the course's impact is clear.

Here's what some of them have to say:

"Mizko's Ultimate Figma Course is an absolute game-changer for aspiring designers. His expertise shines through in this comprehensive course. Mizko's engaging teaching style and hands-on approach make learning Figma a breeze. The course covers everything from basics to advanced techniques, providing invaluable insights for both beginners and seasoned designers. Highly recommended for anyone looking to master Figma and elevate their design skills." - UI Designer Shivam Singh

"A 100% recommended course. Very precise, to-the-point, and extremely helpful. Helped me learn to design like a pro in a few minutes." - UX/UI Designer Syeda Samr

"This is the best course I can recommend to any designer who wants to get better. The course was about working in figma, but you start to understand even from programming and Motion design. Everything is so well organized that you don't even feel that the course is online. It is in very accessible English. I really liked both the course and my tutor, and I will continue to take other courses from him․ Very thankful for everything." - UX/UI Designer Raisa S

Once you become familiar with Figma, you'll better understand what working in UX/UI design entails. That's when you can dive deep into other areas, such as UX research.

If you're keen on sharpening your strategic problem-solving mindset, then the Practical UX Research & Strategy Course is for you.

Get a hands-on approach that sharpens your strategic thinking with real-world applications. This isn't just about learning and applying your skills in data-driven design challenges.

The journey to UX research mastery includes:

  • Crafting sharp, objective-driven questions for deeper insights.
  • Conducting structured, unbiased interviews like a pro.
  • Selecting ideal participants for quality data.
  • Converting research into clear, actionable affinity maps.
  • Executing competitor analysis with expert finesse.
  • Handling large data sets and insights for impactful conclusions.
  • Streamlining research with smart frameworks and automated customer journey maps.
  • Presenting data compellingly and clearly to your team.
  • Creating prioritized, actionable plans from your research.
  • Communicating key metrics and goals in a way that engages stakeholders.

But don't just take our word for it, here's what our students have to say:

"The ability to seamlessly translate theoretical knowledge into tangible, successful outcomes has been the cornerstone of my career and personal growth trajectory." - Zohdi Rizvi Amazon UX Designer

"It provides a well-structured research process that cuts out the "guesswork" that I'm adopting in my projects. Mizko covers his reasoning for every decision he took from start to end. Real-life examples and practical solutions throughout the course were incredibly helpful. Right now, I'm more confident than ever with my design decisions, presenting meaningful briefs to stakeholders, and so on." - UX Designer Al Razi Siam

"I’m learning so much and already applying it to my current job!! This course has helped me tremendously and also gained a lot of confidence as a Product Designer. Wouldn’t be where I am at today without your course." - UX/UI Designer Allen E.

Up-skill within hours and land that next high-paying opportunity.

UX Designer, Educator, Investor & Advisor
Hello, I'm Michael Wong or better known as Mizko. I went from designer → agency owner → now founder and educator at Designership. I teach the skills and tricks that helped me build a multi-million dollar design agency, serving 50+ companies and impacting millions worldwide!
Michael W.
Angie G.
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